Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The effect of going Adult

Rape, Torture, Kill - now called BnB, held out as being "mature" rather than goign adult. I wrote here that tis mainstreamed rape in Second Life. Now that it has gone mature, we can see the effect. It's two parcels now have 20K traffic between them, when it used to have over 33K every day. More than one third less.

Not every parcel that goes adult sees such a drop off, even ones with very hard core themes. However, for generic orgy rooms, the drop off is severe. Basically, from the data, one can see that instant low investment hook ups are something that the buys who pursue them are not willing to do even the most minimal work for. It's almost like a dog sitting under the table hoping for free scraps. However, for more specific fantasies, adult registration is not a barrier.

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