Sunday, August 29, 2010

I have come I have gone

I have come I have gone,
I have walked, I have stood,
I have had my body pushed against the wall.
I have learned, trust no one. No one.
Not the man who warms you bed,
not the professors who fill your head,
not the parties in the fray,
whose rhetoric holds the day.

Trust no one,
not the voices that claim for good,
or the lonely misunderstood.
Trust no one my child, trust no one.

For in the bitter end,
they will steal the smallest value,
and think they were a friend.


  1. Bizarre le parallèle entre "l'homme qui réchauffe ton lit" et "le professeur qui remplit ta tête".

    On n'a pas besoin d'avoir "confiance" dans le professeur, il suffit de l'écouter et d'être assez intelligent pour faire la part des choses après avoir écouté d'autres professeurs ou lu certains livres.

    Quant à l'homme qui partage ton lit, ça c'est une autre histoire...

  2. Trust no one Sofian, trust no one.

    And who said they were different things?
