Since LL's adult content rules, one of the constant games has been the creation of illegal orgy rooms. LL does nothing about violators until there have been a flood of complaints. This should tell any legitimate business that Linden Lab is a porn company, and that any business which goes into LL has got to get used to the idea that their employees will be cruising for sex at work. With all of the problems that entails.
The latest addition to the bestiary of mature area orgy rooms, titled in a fit of ironic nuance, FREE SEX AREA BEACH & NEW COMMUNITY. It rocketed from near zero traffic to 10,000 and now to 30,000 in two weeks. It has staff. It's a very serious attempt to engage in the end run of being mature until LL gets around to warning them, and grabbing the traffic that comes with this, hoping to hold on. LL routinely gives many of it's adult content violators winks and nods, while comign down hard on others.
Now, as a person who is deeply involved in cyber-sex, you might think I am against the adult content rules. But this is wrong, though not entirely so. The entire dance about having some verification standard, which means nothing, is absurd. But the need to have a clear division between sexual and social areas of Second Life is based on a few clear realities. The most obvious is that sex areas get swamped. This means that everyone else on a sim with a sex area has their performance degraded because of this. Buying land any place was always waiting for the next sex themed build to see an unlagged sim, and set itself down.
But there is also the social reality that people in the search for their particular kind of sex inflict themselves on everyone within reach. They don't care about 100 no answers,so long as they get one yes answer. The result is human spam. There's no cost to the person serially propositioning people,and cost to each person they proposition. The reality is that men beleive that if a woman sets herself in an orgy room, even for a minute, evne once, then she is forever marked as a legitimate target for an IM for sex later. Even months later. Because of this reality, a line that warns people where they are going is important. People have a right to their fantasy lives, and to have spaces to work out their fantasies and enjoy their sexuality. Other people have a right not to get "wanna fuck?" in their IM box from random males.
This is particularly true of people who are survivors of sxual abuse or sexual assault, where such behavior is "triggering." This means that it calls up the horrible experiences of before, in a present and vivid memory.
The reality is that the people running these builds are not doing it out of the kindness of their hearts, but to be able to make money. They set up their malls. Free Sex, is Cunt Camping. Guys hanging out, waiting for free... That is, traffic. Which is then sold. This is porn pollution.
On top of that, the fly by night areas are, and always were, pretty ugly. It is also the case that there is a lot less actual sex going on in them, precisely because they are magnets for freenize wielding newbies.
So that is why I am reporting on all of this. The old orgy rooms need to go, and be forgotten.
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ReplyDeletegreat sex orgy is ok