Monday, May 11, 2009

Hold Me

Good bye Valerie, aka Rheta Shan.

Hold me, close to memory with your voice,
I've told you, far more of life than was my choice,
a brilliant, crystalline divorce, has married once a new,
truth beyond what's true.
My soul walked among all of you,
until now.

I am still here, suspended in the dusk,
between the worlds, that carry on as the must.
Hold me in your mind's eye,
that image will not yet die,
even though,
and so, and though,
the puppet's strings are clipped,
the ancient ladies, touched the twine of fate just so.

All that I was, I am.

Hold me, tethered to the earth,
essence will slip through your fingers,
your grasp is all that lingers,
and faint forgotten so,
all you needed to know,
was in the light and flow,
of symbols made real, more real than I was.
More real than I am.

Hold me in your memory,
and speak softly with your voice,
I've left for other plains,
though not by my own choice.

Speak and remember, that here
I was more real than real.
That is what you will feel.

Good night, good bye, good luck.

[And one in French]

Imaginaire enfin,
Je dors et rêve la demande
pas plus que moi ai jamais eu.
Mon âme a marché parmi vous,
et c'était assez.
Trop peut-être pour certains,
mais moindres assez pour moi.

Je dors,
dans les rêves et les morceaux,
ne se réveillant jamais encore et,
les endroits qui chaque était et était,
avant et entre nous.

J'étais, je ne suis pas, je suis, je serai.

[Do I know the truth of the story? I do not, and will not. Could Rheta Shan's player be alive and well. It may be, and I hope in some sense it is so. Better a happy world alive for the actor, and death for the character. But it doesn't matter, because whether it was a choice, or fear of discovery, or death, the effect is the same on those whose strands to this spirit are cut.

All the more thankful that on leaving SL I am alive and well and living in the real world. So here is a memorium to the short happy life of Rheta Shan.]

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